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November 2024 | Cheshvan 5785
days of awe, events, From The President, Newsletter, spiritual lifeGreetings from Hong Kong, where I am spending a few weeks visiting with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons. It’s been so much fun celebrating Sukkot and Simchat Torah with our grandsons on the other side of the world.

More Love (Simhat Torah 5785)
divrei Torah"...Love is the point of Torah. It’s what Torah most deeply comes to teach us, year after year..."

Yom Kippur Morning 5785 | The Book of Resilience
D'vrei Torah, days of awe, divrei Torah, From The Rabbi, Resilience, sermons, spiritual life, Teshuvah, Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre 5785 | How Can We Pray?
D'vrei Torah, days of awe, divrei Torah, From The Rabbi, prayer, sermons, spiritual life, Teshuvah, Yom Kippur
From the Rabbi – October 2024 | High Holiday Letter, Entering 5785 (Part Two)
days of awe, From The Rabbi, sukkotI love Yom Kippur. I know that probably sounds weird to most folks, but it’s true. I love it because the day feels meaningful from start to finish. It’s a whole day of introspection and togetherness and song, and these are a few of my favorite things.

October 2024 | Tishrei 5785
community, days of awe, events, From The President, NewsletterPreparations are fully underway for our High Holy Day services and programs. I am looking forward to worshiping with you very soon. It is always wonderful to welcome you to our beautiful sanctuary. Thanks to those of you who have already RSVP’d for services.

Rosh Hashanah 5785 | Many Views, One Community
community, days of awe, From The Rabbi, Israel, Rosh Hashanah, sermons
Erev Rosh Hashanah 5785 | A Gathering of Sparks: Becoming One People, One Voice
D'vrei Torah, days of awe, divrei Torah, From The Rabbi, guest posts, Inclusion & Diversity, Jewish values, Rosh Hashanah, sermons, social action, tikkun olamThe guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member & cantorial soloist Ziva Larson offered at Erev Rosh Hashanah Evening Service on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

High Holiday Letter – Entering 5785 (Part One)
days of awe, From The Rabbi"...Our year’s most sacred season is almost upon us! I’m writing to share a bit about what to expect at this year’s high holidays. As always, some things will be timeless and familiar, while others will be new.
This is part one of a two-part series on this year’s Days of Awe; the second part will appear in the October newsletter..."

From the Rabbi – September 2024
classes, days of awe, From The Rabbi, Newsletter, spiritual life, TeshuvahOne of my favorite things that I’m doing right now is co-teaching a class called “Repentance and Repair” with Rabbi David Markus. As some of you know, we started off by assigning a little bit of spiritual homework.

September 2024 | Elul 5784
days of awe, From The President, Newsletter, VolunteeringAs summer turns to fall, we are getting our classrooms ready to welcome our students to an exciting new year of Jewish Journeys. We spent time this summer organizing our library and kitchen. We prepared for the busy season ahead. Rabbi Rachel, cantorial soloist Ziva Larson, and our choir are hard at work preparing for the High Holidays.

Three Practices for Now: Shoftim 5784 / 2024
divrei Torah, Elul, From The Rabbi, Runway to the Days of Awe"...Pursue justice by approaching the world with the integrity of a juror.
Guard our gates, mindful of what we’re taking in and what we’re putting into the world.
And pour out our hearts – not to the vast indifferent universe, but to an imagined beloved Friend...."

If We Listen: Ekev 5784 / 2024
divrei Torah"...Torah urges us to remove our protective calluses, a scant six weeks before the new year – all the better to do the work of teshuvah to which this season calls us. ..."
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North Adams, MA 01247