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Blessing and curse in pandemic times
divrei Torah, pandemicLast week my son and I were watching the fifth Harry Potter movie, Order of the Phoenix. There's a moment where two teenagers are kissing on a bench, and with a flick of her wand, Dolores Umbridge separates them by several feet.
We've seen…
Runway to the Days of Awe 6: Inner Work
days of awe, Runway to the Days of Awe
Dear CBI Members and Friends,
This week’s high holiday preparation message is about the inner work of getting ready.
One tradition teaches us to spend the month before Rosh Hashanah repairing our interpersonal relationships,…
Schedule for the Days of Awe 5781
days of awe
For Zoom login information, contact the CBI office (cbinadams @ gmail dot com) to join our email list -- the Zoom link will not be publicly posted anywhere. Our services will also be streamed via Facebook Live on the CBI Facebook page,…
Shavua tov! Looking forward to Shabbat Ki Tavo
Shavua tov – a good new week to you!
This Week's Offerings
This week our Zoom offerings include Rabbinic Drop-In Hour (1pm Mondays) and Reverse Omer Group with Jen Burt (5pm Tuesdays)m all in the CBI Zoom room with the usual password.…
Runway to the Days of Awe 5: What to Expect
days of awe, Runway to the Days of Awe
Dear CBI Members and Friends,
The Days of Awe are drawing nearer! I’m writing this week with more information about what you can expect from our Zoom services in general, and specifically, what you can expect from our erev Rosh Hashanah…
Shavua tov – Looking forward to Shabbat Ki Tetzei
ShabbatShavua tov – a good new week to you!
Zoom Offerings
This week our Zoom offerings include Rabbinic Drop-In Hour (1pm Mondays), Reverse Omer Group with Jen Burt (5pm Tuesdays) and Shabbat Morning services (9:30am Saturday) led this week…
Runway to the Days of Awe 4: Clothing
days of awe, pandemic, Runway to the Days of Awe
Dear CBI Members and Friends,
Some of you have asked: if we’re gathering digitally for the Days of Awe, does that mean we can invite our friends and family who aren’t in northern Berkshire to join us? The answer is YES!
Shavua tov – looking forward to Shabbat Shoftim
Shavua tov – a good new week to you!
Zoom Offerings
This week our Zoom offerings include Rabbinic Drop-In Hour (1pm Mondays), Reverse Omer Group with Jen Burt (5pm Tuesdays) and Shabbat Morning services (9:30am Saturday) led…
Update: on Pandemic and Gathering
community, pandemic
Dear All,
We hope this note finds you as well as any of us can be in these pandemic times. Several of you have asked why CBI’s doors are not yet “open,” given that the viral load in MA is currently relatively low. The short…
Runway to the Days of Awe 3: Music
days of awe, music, Runway to the Days of AweDear CBI Members and Friends,
Each year I choose an "anthem" -- a melody and/or a setting of traditional words -- to be our melodic throughline for the Days of Awe. (Last year's anthem was "Come, Come, Whoever You Are.")
This year our anthem…
Shavua tov! Looking forward to Shabbat Re’eh
Shavua tov – a good new week to you!
This week our Zoom offerings include Rabbinic Drop-In Hour (1pm Mondays), Reverse Omer Group with Jen Burt (5pm Tuesdays) and Shabbat Morning services (9:30am Saturday) led this week by R’ Jarah…
To Do What’s Right (reading Eikev through the lens of covid-19)
divrei Torah, pandemicI made it three verses into this week's Torah portion, Eikev, before being brought up short:
"And if you do obey these rules and observe them carefully... God will ward off from you all sickness..." (Deut. 7:12, 15)
My first thought was: wow,…
Runway to the Days of Awe 2: Creating Sacred Space at Home
days of awe, pandemic, Runway to the Days of Awe[youtube]
This is the second post in a series; the first was Seven weeks until Rosh Hashanah. This one is available as a YouTube video (embedded above -- or here at YouTube) and also as text that appears…
Shavua tov! Looking forward to Shabbat Eikev
Shavua tov – a good new week to you!
This week our Zoom offerings include Rabbinic Drop-In Hour (1pm Mondays) and Shabbat Morning services (9:30am Saturday) led this week by R’ Rachel, all in the CBI Zoom room with the usual password.…
Congregation Beth Israel
53 Lois Street
North Adams, MA 01247