Entries by Natalie Matus

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July 2024 | Tammuz 5784

As I was sitting in the sanctuary last Saturday morning during Shabbat services, a rabbit was munching on a nice green blade of grass covered in morning dew and stared at me through the window… for a long time. Birds of various sizes landed on the grass near him. This beautiful sight reminded me that our property doesn’t belong solely to us – it is also part of the natural world, and we share it with many other creatures, who rely on it for food, protection, and water. Taking care of it in a responsible way is part of our mission.

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February 2024 | Adar-I 5784

I am still kvelling about the wonderful Jewish Journeys Shabbat service last Saturday morning, when our community, including students, their parents, grandparents, and other congregants, gathered in our sanctuary to celebrate Shabbat together in song and prayer. Students’ work from their elective classes was featured, and the D’var Torah was given by one of our students. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a communal potluck kiddush.