CBI Labyrinth

In this season of gratitude, I want to thank all of you for being members of the CBI community and for all you do to strengthen and sustain our community. I also thank you for honoring me by re-electing me to my second one-year term as president at the recent Annual Meeting.

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat

This year, the b-mitzvah students and I are studying Jewish values. At the start of the school year we focused on teshuvah, repentance or return — the value at the heart of the Days of Awe. After that, we began a unit on b’tzelem Elohim: the idea that we are all made in the image of God.

A small group of people walking on a beach at low tide.

November this year mostly overlaps with the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. Among Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Eastern European descent or who follow the customs of that part of the world) this month contains no holidays other than Shabbat.

CBI Labyrinth

I have just returned from the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), where 1,800 professionals and lay leaders met to discuss some of the critical issues facing our Jewish communities, locally and worldwide. I learned how people think about some of the significant issues facing us, whether we live in a smaller community, like the Berkshires, or a larger one. It was inspiring to meet with committed leaders from so many places.

A photo of the CBI Sukkah from 2021.

“So we’ll be building our sukkah on Sunday,” I said to my kid a few days ago. “Wait, what?” he asked. “I thought Sukkot was a week and four days after Yom Kippur!” Nope, I told him: it’s just four days after. “Oh yay,” he said. “That means Sukkot is sooner than I thought!”

Runway to the Days of Awe 5783! Tisha b'Av → Seven Weeks: Lifting Higher / Reverse Omer → Rosh Hashanah → 10 Days of Teshuvah → Yom Kippur → Sukkot

It’s Elul: the month that leads us to the Days of Awe and the new year. Ready or not, here we come.

CBI Labyrinth

As we approach the High Holy Days, we’ve entered a period of reflection and assessment. In addition to my own personal reflections, I am also very aware of the passing of one year and the beginning of the next in the communal life of Congregation Beth Israel. With a year under my belt as president, it is a time when I reflect both on what has gone well and what more we need to or can do.

Runway to the Days of Awe 5783! Tisha b'Av → Seven Weeks: Lifting Higher / Reverse Omer → Rosh Hashanah → 10 Days of Teshuvah → Yom Kippur → Sukkot

As I write these words, it isn’t yet quite August. But believe it or not, we’re on the runway to the Days of Awe.

CBI Labyrinth

As the summer flies by, I hope you are getting some rest & relaxation and enjoying all that the Berkshires offer this time of year. I have been blessed to have been able to finally see my daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons who live in Hong Kong. I hope many of you have also experienced sweet reunions with family and friends.