Shavua tov! Looking forward to Shabbat Tazria-Metzora!
Kabbalat Shabbat Services This Week

Join us in the CBI Zoom room at 7:30pm on Friday evening for Kabbalat Shabbat services led by Rabbi Rachel! We’ll welcome Shabbat with song, poetry, and joy.
Torah Portion and Commentaries
This week we’re reading from parashat Tazria-Metzora. If you’d like to read some commentaries on this week’s parsha, here are a few:
- 2005: Tricky Torah: taharah and tumah
- 2006: Meeting impurity, and being changed
- 2007: Health — and connection with God
- 2008: Clean [Torah poem]
- 2009: Like God [Torah poem]
- 2012: Revisiting Tazria-Metzora, after death and after birth
- 2015: Becoming Real: Tazria-Metzora and Being Velveteen
- 2016: Letting your light shine
- 2017: Healing and second chances
- 2020: The treasures hidden in quarantine
And here’s commentary from the URJ:
Save the Dates
Our next First Friday Zoom Shabbat Dinner will be at 7:30pm on May 7 in the CBI Zoom Room.
And save the date for our Tikkun Leyl Shavuot — on Sunday May 16 starting at 7:30pm, we’ll celebrate the revelation of Torah with learning, song, poetry, and more! As we did at Tu BiShvat and Pesach, we’ll join together with Temple Beth El of City Island and Rabbi David Markus for a joint festival celebration, with special guests Rabbi Bella Bogart and Rabbi Cyn Hoffman in addition to our own Rabbi Rachel and Rabbi Pam.
We’ll begin at 7:30pm with Festival Maariv (Evening Prayer) — featuring some beautiful melodies we don’t usually hear, and the joyful psalms of Hallel, and also the memorial prayers of Yizkor recited four times a year. We’ll continue at 9pm with Late Night Learning, culminating at midnight with a teaching from the Zohar about midnight in the garden of Eden and opening to divine flow.
Plan to join us; more information is coming soon.
We hope to see you soon at CBI.