Come for latkes, candle lighting, drinks for the adults, and dreidels and art for the kids! Bring your hanukkiah (Chanukah menorah) from home and we’ll light candles together. This event will be held at a private home in Shaftsbury, VT. For more information and to RSVP, please contact [email protected].
Funding to help support CBI’s family education programs been provided by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
NEFESH is the Hebrew word for “soul,” “self,” or “living being.” We are a group of families in Southern VT and Western MA raising healthy kids grounded in Jewish community. NEFESH is about nourishing the social and spiritual soil of family life and giving our children a supportive and joyful environment inspired by Jewish culture, traditions and values so that they will grow and thrive in a more just and healthy world.