Lost & Found: Rosh Hashanah Day 2, 5784 / 2023
On the second day of Rosh Hashanah (Sunday, September 17, 2023), a sermon was offered by Jewish educator Emily Rogal, who will be teaching our Meaning & Mishnah class later this fall.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rachel Barenblat contributed 270 entries already.
On the second day of Rosh Hashanah (Sunday, September 17, 2023), a sermon was offered by Jewish educator Emily Rogal, who will be teaching our Meaning & Mishnah class later this fall.
In our tradition of inviting CBI members to speak during our Erev Rosh Hashanah service, Sandy Ryan, Dr. Len Radin, & Dr. Suzanne Graver offered mini-sermonettes on September 15, 2023 on the the theme of “Returning.”
We’re on the runway: the Days of Awe are approaching. We’ve entered the Limbering Up time.
This guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member and cantorial soloist Ziva Larson offered at Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday, July 22, 2023.
“…Torah’s list of stops along our journey is a metaphor for the journey of an individual soul. The forty-two stops evoke the twists and turns of every human life: leaving Mitzrayim / places of constriction, seeking sustenance and purpose and our hopes fulfilled. And for us as for our ancient ancestors, the trajectory of the journey probably won’t be linear…”
July is upon us. All winter long I anticipate summer’s long daylight: the luscious green curves of our hillsides, how the pollinator garden behind the synagogue becomes a riot of color and leaf. And we’re here! We made it! This place where we are blessed to live is beautiful in all seasons, but this is the season I love the most. And… spiritual life never stands still. The wheel is always already turning toward the holidays to come.
“…When we despair we need someone to walk with us, to feel with us, and to remind us that when we feel most stuck, change can be waiting in the wings – even (or especially) if we can’t see it….”
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