Shavua tov! Looking forward to Shabbat… and Pesach!
Shavua tov — and chodesh tov; a happy new month of Nissan to all. Passover is coming!
Kabbalat Shabbat!
Join us in the CBI Zoom room at 7pm on Friday evening for Kabbalat Shabbat services led by Rabbi Rachel! Together we’ll welcome the presence of Shabbat with song, prayer, poetry, and sweetness.
Shabbat Afternoon: Passover Play!
Kids of all ages (and their families) are invited to join us at CBI at 1pm on Saturday, March 20, to re-enact the Passover story. We’ll meet (masked) on the patio behind the shul. Jane Shiyah will provide her boxes of costumes and props. Together we’ll re-enact the story of our liberation as we usually do during the Second Night Community Seder, and we’ll make a video to share with members of our community. Please RSVP to the rabbi so we know you’re coming!
Torah Portion and Commentaries
This week we’re reading from parashat Vayikra. If you’d like to read some commentaries on this week’s parsha, here are a few:
- 2006: Unleavened offerings of our hearts
- 2007: The heart of things
- 2008: Korban [Torah poem]
- 2011: Thinking about sacrifice
- 2013: A sweet scent
- 2015: Love, Leviticus, and embracing the middle
- 2016: Collaboration with God: on Torah and bread
- 2017: What silence conceals and reveals (at My Jewish Learning)
- 2019: Build for loving balance: fire and water, justice and repair (at Builders Blog)
- 2019: The details: Vayikra
And here’s commentary from the URJ:
Second Night Community Seder – Save the Date and RSVP now!

Join us for a lively, musical, meaningful, heart-filled second night community Zoom seder. Like last year, the seder will be co-led by Rabbi Rachel and Rabbi David Markus and will be open to members of our two shul communities, CBI and Temple Beth El of City Island. Expect music, meaning, tradition balanced with innovation, and most of all connectedness as we rejoice in our festival of liberation even in these constricted times. Please RSVP to the synagogue office by no later than Wednesday, March 24; a secure Zoom link will be sent to everyone who registers, but it will not be posted online anywhere to prevent zoom-bombing.
We hope to see you soon at CBI.