Shavua tov! Join us for Shabbat learning and for Tisha b’Av
Shabbat LEARNING This Week
Join us this week for online Torah study at 10am on Saturday morning with Rabbi Rachel, and with Rabbi David Markus and the Temple Beth El of City Island community. This will take the place of services this week. We will say kaddish at the end of our learning, so if you need a minyan for kaddish this week, please join us! The Zoom link will be sent out in weekly announcements.
Torah Portion and Commentaries
This week we’re reading from parashat Devarim, the start of the book of Deuteronomy. If you’d like to read some commentaries on this week’s parsha, here are a few:
- 2008: Travelogue [Torah poem]
- 2009: Record [Torah poem]
- 2014: Listening to the holy space between
- 2019: Building Lessons from D’varim (with R’ Bella Bogart at Bayit’s Builders Blog)
- 2020: Who’s to Blame?
And here’s commentary from the URJ:
Join us for Tisha b’Av
Join us at 8:30pm on Saturday night for a hybrid / multi-access Tisha b’Av service offered jointly by Rabbi Rachel and CBI, and Rabbi David and TBE.
You can join us onsite in the CBI sanctuary, where doors will be propped open for airflow, or online via Zoom (the link will be sent out in weekly announcements.)
There is so much that is broken in our history, in our nation, and in our world today. Tisha b’Av is our communal opportunity to feel that brokenness and to mourn — and then to harness the spiritual updraft of rising out of the year’s lowest point. Tisha b’Av comes seven weeks before Rosh Hashanah, so it is the nadir from which we begin the seven-week rise to the Days of Awe. Join us for song, prayer, lament, and uplift.