NEW DATE: Sunday, June 26 at 10am
Join us for a guided walk in the woods and trails surrounding the Clark Art Institute, with CBI teacher Jane Shiyah. Observe nature and talk about the beauty of G-d’s creations in these beautiful surroundings. Gather twigs, leaves, flowers, and other natural materials to make mandalas on the ground when we stop for refreshments.
RSVP for this free event, and we will send you instructions about where to meet up. Bring snacks and water for your family and something portable to sit on.
Rain plan: Meet at Congregation Beth Israel, 53 Lois Street, North Adams and hear stories, make collages from natural objects and talk about nature and its connection to Judaism.
This event is made possible by the generosity of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the members of Congregation Beth Israel of the Berkshires.