Do you have memories of family members and events that you treasure? Would you like to capture them in a meaningful way?
This free workshop, presented on Zoom by Janice Dexter-Ganek, will introduce you to ways to preserve your family stories through recording, writing, photography, and art. Janice — a writing specialist at Bryant University and member of Congregation Agudas Achim in Attleboro, MA — will present ideas that you can build on in any direction that interests you.
Please bring to the workshop three meaningful photographs, three objects connected to your family memories, and a list of five or six memories about people or events. Janice’s goal is to gently guide the workshop, open up more avenues to travel, and encourage group members to share their ideas — though sharing your ideas is not required.
Please RSVP if you wish to participate; you will receive the Zoom link the week of the event.
A second workshop to follow up on these activities will be available if there is sufficient interest.