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At our 2023 Annual Meeting last November, the congregation agreed to move our Annual Meeting to May in order to coincide with the start of our fiscal year on July 1. This year, CBI’s Annual Meeting will be held in-person and over Zoom on Wednesday, May 29 at 7:30pm (EDT). Everyone is welcome to attend, though for security reasons, you must RSVP in advance; those joining us online must register via Zoom in order to receive the Zoom link.
As always, at the Annual Meeting we’ll offer reflections on the last six months, celebrate our community, and vote on the slate of Board members and officers. We will also vote on several changes to the Bylaws, which was discussed during a special feedback session earlier this month. You can vote either in-person or via Zoom (as we have done since the pandemic). According to our Bylaws, only regular members are allowed to vote (not Seasonal, Associate, or Student members), and only Jewish members are allowed to vote on changes to the Bylaws. Proxy voting is not allowed for non-real estate matters.
The agenda and supporting materials, including an updated version of the proposed Bylaws changes, will be made available prior to the meeting — please check the weekly announcements for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Matus, CBI President. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting — thank you, as ever, for being a part of CBI.