A venn diagram: the left circle says "To-Do List;" the right circle says "Election 2024;" the intersection of both circles says "Anxiety, So Much Anxiety."

As I write these words, the election is a scant week away. I’ve heard from many of you that it’s hard to think about much else right now. This election feels momentous and maybe even frightening in a way we’ve never experienced before.

A Gathering of Sparks: Becoming One People, One Voice; for Erev Rosh Hashanah 5785.

The guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member & cantorial soloist Ziva Larson offered at Erev Rosh Hashanah Evening Service on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

Getting “Unstuck”: Moving from Awareness and Knowledge to Action

This guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member and cantorial soloist Ziva Larson offered at Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

“…Reproductive justice is a much broader framework than simply ‘the right to choose,; or even the right to choose plus access to safe reliable healthcare. It’s about everything: access to food, affordable shelter, education, ending carceral foster care, ending gun violence, and more. All of these are part of what it would really look like to rear children in a just world….”

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat

This year, the b-mitzvah students and I are studying Jewish values. At the start of the school year we focused on teshuvah, repentance or return — the value at the heart of the Days of Awe. After that, we began a unit on b’tzelem Elohim: the idea that we are all made in the image of God.

Do the Next Right Thing: Living by Our Values in the Face of Challenges

This guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member Ziva Larson offered at Rosh Hashanah 2 Morning Services on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

Digging into Dietary Laws: Uncovering Instructions for Ethical & Sustainable Consumption, from Parashat R’eih - Deuteronomy 12:17-25

This guest post is the D’var Torah that CBI member Ziva Larson offered at Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday, August 27, 2022.

My heart keeps breaking at the news emerging from the Supreme Court.

We knew that the end of Roe was coming. It’s still a shock to the system, and portends a tremendous amount of suffering to come. Countless people will suffer and die because of today’s ruling, and we know that the consequences will be most dire for people of color and for those without the fiscal resources to travel to “safe” states where abortion is available.