“…I noticed this year that Torah only begins to say God is with him once he’s in tough circumstances. Was God “not there” before, or was he just not aware of God until then? Did something change within him him that enabled him to live with awareness of the holy? …”
“…The work of spiritual life is never done. The work of becoming is never done. As long as we’re here, we’re growing and changing – or we can be. My covenant with each of you is a promise to accompany you in whatever life brings your way…”
“Possibility lives in us. Hope lives in us. Kindness lives in us. Truth and justice live in us. No amount of cruelty or coercion, bullying or gaslighting, can take these away. They are our birthright, and they are eternal.”
“…Love is the point of Torah. It’s what Torah most deeply comes to teach us, year after year…”