Dear CBI Community,
Our hearts and prayers are with the families of Uvalde, Texas, who tonight are navigating an almost unimaginable loss.
In the last few hours I’ve heard from many of you who are grieving, as am I. As the parent of an elementary school child, I can’t help empathizing with those parents. What a terrible grief.
Please know that I am here to listen if any of you need to talk. I am continuing in my jury service this week (which I cannot discuss, per judicial order – thank you for your understanding!) For that reason, I may not be reachable during usual business hours, but I will do my best to reach back to you as soon as I’m out of court for the day. If this tragedy is traumatizing or activating for you, please know that I am here to listen, to cry with you, and to offer what comfort I can.
If you are feeling the desire to take action, here are some action opportunities from the Religious Action Center of the Union for Reform Judaism, of which CBI is a part: https://rac.org/issues/gun-violence-prevention
May we live to see a day when school shootings are no more – speedily and soon.
Blessings to all,
Rabbi Rachel